With the desire to spread Tam The for changing the thinking about life, thinking about the work of young people in Duong family of Vietnam, in July 19, 2019, PhD. Nguyen Dang Minh, chairman of the GKM Lean Institute, had a talk with more than 600 young people of the Duong family nationwide. The sharing session was organized by the Duong family of Vietnam at Tan Son Nhat golf course, Ho Chi Minh City, within the program of the summer camp of Duong family of Vietnam.

Dr Nguyen Dang Minh sharing with more than 600 young people of the Duong family
At the beginning of the talk, Dr Nguyen Dang Minh, Chairman of the GKM Lean Institute and young people of the Duong family had a lively discussion about the current situation of career development orientation of young people. Many young people who were asked: What to learn for? had frankly risen their ambition of aspirations, learn to contribute to building a homeland, a beautiful and rich country.
Complementing the thinking of the young people, Dr Nguyen Dang Minh said that “Going to school first is for yourself, if you are good, then the surrounding society can be good. When going to school as well as working, it is necessary to have a good Tam The to change the thinking of schooling and working. If you have a good Tam The then we will learn real things. If you have a good Tam The then we will do real things. In any environment, in any situation, doing real will bring real results, with added value, real people will also gain respectation from society for the good things which real works have brought. That is the reason why you have to have a good Tam The in everything and a good Tam The will change your thinking, and each person can control his own life”.

Each person can control his or her own life when it is oriented to develop on the foundation of the Tam The
Agreeing with the enthusiastic sharing of Dr Minh, Mr. Duong Cong Minh, Chairman of the Duong Family Council, also used Tam The to reflect and explain his difficult but glorious business life to over 600 young people from the Duong Viet family. According to him, Good Tam The is an important foundation to help him overcome difficulties and storms to be able to do his job well. From the life lessons of the president of the lineage, more than 600 youths of Duong family at the summer camp in particular, the youths of Duong family in the whole country in general have once again gained a deeper understanding of the Tam The and draw lessons for themselves and to rise up to master their own future.

Mr. Duong Cong Minh and Dr Nguyen Dang Minh shared more deeply about Tam The in business life
At the end of the program, Dr Nguyen Dang Minh also introduced to the whole hall of the model of career development orientation on Tam The foundation. According to him, no matter where people come from, have jobs, have conditions, how life and career really need to be oriented to develop. Orientation will help people achieve life’s goals and know how to achieve them. Therefore, in order to have a good orientation at any time, the orientation must be built on the foundation of good Tam The. Instead of conclusion, Dr Nguyen Dang Minh wishes Tam The and the method of career development on Tam The foundation will be spread more widely in the Duong family in particular and Vietnamese youth in general.

Tâm Thế is the foundation of development orientation for Vietnamese youth
Ending the program, with a short time, although there were many regrets, but in the eyes of more than 600 people in the hall reflected the desire, the stronger thoughts. That is the proof that Tam The has entered into the mind that marks the beginning of each person’s development journey.
(See more at: http://hoduongvietnam.com.vn/quan-tri-tam-the-thay-doi-tu-duy-lam-chu-cuoc-doi-huong-thanh-nien-ho-duong-lam-chu-tuong-lai-p8802)