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Training Program


Course Information


The orientation for the development of children's career on the foundation of Made in Vietnam Lean Management


No Date Time
1 16/10/2019 18h30 to 21h30
2 18/10/2019 18h30 to 21h30
3 22/10/2019 18h30 to 21h30
4 24/10/2019 18h30 to 21h30


No. 7, Khu nha vuon giai doan 2, Vinh Hoang, Tam Trinh, Hoang Mai, Hanoi, Vietnam


4,500,000 VND/ participant


5% discount for participants who register and pay 03 days prior the start date

Extra 5% discount for members who register in groups of 3-4 people or 10% for groups of 5 or more

No 7, Garden house Vinh Hoang, Tam Trinh St., Hoang Mai Dist., Ha Noi.
Mr Duy | (+84) 339 369 546

Khóa học liên quan


In today’s modern society, when material life is getting better, the education of children is becoming more and more difficult than before. We, the parents, are day by day facing and dealing with many of the problems that arise in the process of educating our children. Most parents always have to worry about the questions:

  • Which method of education and orientation is suitable for children?
  • How to help your child build dreams and ambitions?
  • How do parents and children have a common voice?
  • How to make children independent, confident to integrate and develop with the international environment?

With the desire to spread educational methods in orienting children on the foundation of the “Made in Vietnam” Lean Management System to each family and support more and more parents who are on the way to find a development orientation that is suitable for their children, GKM Lean Institute organizes a sharing program”

“The orientation for the development of children’s career on the foundation of Made in Vietnam Lean Management”

This is the program that Dr Nguyen Dang Minh draws from the knowledge gained from 14 years of experience living, studying and working in advanced educational environments in the world such as Japan, America, Europe, along with 8 years experience in working in an educational environment in Vietnam and from many individual counseling programs, family counseling for entrepreneurs in educating their children and organizing a lean life.

  • Parents
  • Teachers
  • Educational researchers are interested

- Changing thinking, forming positive attitude in education to orient children according to the development and integration trend, in accordance with Vietnamese culture

- Cut waste in the practice of child education



Educate children on the philosophical foundation of “Made in Vietnam” Lean Management

  • The mindset/ TAMTHE in the development of cheldren’s career;
  • Which qualifications needs developing for children;
  • How to build dreams and ambitions.


Orientation to apply in practice

  • Methods for developing TAM THE;
  • Orientation of developing qualifications in real life;
  • Unifying the philosophy of home education.
Associate Professor Nguyen Dang Minh

Assoc. Prof. Dr Nguyen Dang Minh graduated Master of Technique at Tokyo University  and obtained PhD. of Business Administration at Nagoya University, Japan. He has 8 years of experience of working at Toyota Japan as an expert and the project manager of Lean Management Deployment Project.

With 7 years working as a leader of an education  institute in Vietnam, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Dang Minh has surveyed, researched and advised individuals for many families of enterpreneurs in Vietnam in orienting the development of children, helping family members to organize scientific and civilized life according to lean thinking.


No 7, Garden house Vinh Hoang, Tam Trinh St., Hoang Mai Dist., Ha Noi.
Mr Duy | (+84) 339 369 546

Khóa học liên quan

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