The growth of productivity and performance is key for Vietnam to avoid the middle-income trap and pursue a more inclusive growth pathway. GKM Lean Institute is a leading institute in providing consulting services to improve productivity and performance not only for Vietnamese companies, but FDI companies in Vietnam. With endeavor for the better future of Vietnam, GKM assist “Performance and Productivity Workshop Series” of Icham. The president of GKM, Dr. Nguyen Dang Minh will conduct a presentation entitled “Made in Vietnam Lean Management for Enhancing Productivity, Quality and Sustainable Development” on the 8th, November 2019 in Hanoi.
Dr. Minh will share about the Made in Vietnam Lean Management system, which has been founded by himself and applied successfully by thousand companies in Vietnam. The system starts the foundation layer, named Tam The. This is considered not only a foundation of productivities, but also for method of solving dispute in enterprises. Then, based on the Made in Vietnam Lean Management Philosophy, enterprise can identify and propose strategies to cut tangible and intangible wastes that prevent enterprises from being productive and efficient, including dispute problems. Finally, participant can benefit from a case study of application of Made in Vietnam Lean Management in Enterprises for enhancing productivity, quality and dispute resolutions.
GKM Lean Institue is providing
CEO Lean Made in Vietnam:
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