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“Made in Vietnam” Lean Management Empowers the “Made in Vietnam” Paper Legendary

Founded in 1976, after the country gained reunion, Vietnam Paper Corporation has experienced many ups and downs moving along the history of the country’s development. With a clear awareness of its role as a leader in the Vietnamese paper industry, Vietnam Paper Corporation always seeks to improve the technology, new and scientific  methods of management in accordance with the reality of the country and at the same time consistent with its characteristics.

After a process of investigation on “Made in Vietnam” Lean Management, it was found that this management method purely originated by Vietnamese can creates favourable conditions to solve actual problems of the Corporation, on September 19, 2018 and September 20, 2018, Vietnam Paper Corporation cooperated with GKM Lean Institute (GKM Vietnam) to organize the course “Training on “Made in Vietnam” Lean Management for managers of plants and factories of Bai Bang Industrial Cluster”. The training program is conducted with the facilitation of Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dang Minh (Chairman of Member Board of GKM Lean Institute) together with 65 director-level and department executives  of 9 member enterprises of Bai Bang Industrial Cluster under Vietnam Paper Corporation include: Paper Plant; Electric Plant; Chemical Plant; Wood Processing Plant; Maintenance Workshop; Transportation Enterprise; Service Enterprise; Depot; Technical Department.

Training course on “Made in Vietnam” Lean Management for the managers of the plants and factories in Bai Bang Industrial Cluster

At the course, the leaders shared the common belief that Bai Bang Paper  Corporation is the pride of not only the Vietnamese paper industry but also the workers themselves for many years. During nearly 40 years of operation, although several technical and technological improvements have been applied but the managers attending the class all have the desire to improve further by applying modern management methods to reduce the current wasteful expenses, thereby continuing to make Bai Bang more developed with larger domestic market share and aiming to export Made in Vietnam paper products. In parallel with the success of the company, the life of the employees will also be better, minimizing the sensitivity of the market impact.

A Chemical Plant’s managers speaking during the training session

By studying of the status of production and business of the enterprises in the industrial cluster, listening to the issues shared by the senior managers of the enterprises, Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dang Minh in turn shared the knowledge of “Made in Vietnam” Lean Management System including the TAM THE, “Made in Vietnam” Lean Thinking,  the types of tangible wasteful expenses and invisible waste expenses from which the participants can apply into the reality of their enterprises.

General Director Nguyen Viet Duc speaking at the course

After 2 days of studying, the main problems recorded in the first lesson were step by step suggested with solutions for solving. Participants expressed their determination and confidence in applying “Made in Vietnam” Lean Management  at the Corporate to solve their problems with the slogan “Innovating thinking, Maintaining the TAM THE, spreading and replication”. At the end of his speaking, Mr. Nguyen Viet Duc, General Director of the Corporation committed to support the enterprises to implement the plans set out at the training with both of material and non-material resources own by the Corporation.

Leaders and managers of enterprises in Bai Bang Industrial Cluster Determining to Apply “Made in Vietnam” Lean Management

In his responding Assoc. Proff. Nguyen Dang Minh believes that with the determination of the entire leadership and staff of the Corporation, with the understanding and specific plans already in place, “Made in Vietnam” Lean Management is absolutely ready for applying and creating specific efficiency for Vietnam Paper Corporation, contributing practically to the overall development of the Corporation. In addition, GKM Lean Institute (GKM Vietnam) also commits to accompany Vietnam Paper Corporation to get “Made in Vietnam” Lean Management to strengthen the “Made in Vietnam” Paper Legendary in future.

Releveant link on the website of Vietnam Paper Corporation:  http://vinapaco.com.vn/?page=chi-tiet-tin&category_name=tin-vinapaco&name_id=khai-mac-made-in-vn 

Register for the trainings at your business places: https://gkmfinest.gkm.vn/en/training/the-application-of-made-in-vietnam-lean-management-at-business/


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