GKM Made in Vietnam Finest Management Gene system has been showing its effectiveness in the practice of Vietnamese businesses during and after the pandemic, constantly affirming the Made in Vietnam Management Brand in Vietnam and in the international arena.
The terms ToT (Tam the of Things, Tinh gon of Things, That of Things, Thuc tai of Things, Thuc viec of Things, Thuc hoc of Things, etc.) gradually becomes well-known among national and international businessmen and managers.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Dang Minh, Founding Chairman of GKM Institute of Finest Management, GKM Vietnam Company
With the entrepreneurial spirit, the will to overcome difficulties, the desire to bring efficiency for a better life, the managers and leaders of Thanh Cong Motor Infrastructure and Service Joint Stock Company (TCMS) and GKM Institute of Finest Management implemented a program to apply Made in Vietnam Finest Management into the Company’s management practice. On the basis of Made in Vietnam Finest Management Technology, which had been successfully executed in thousands of businesses in Vietnam over the past 10 years, TCMS’s managers would accompany GKM Finest Institute to deploy the Tam The Management Gene and the Finest Thinking Management Gene into work practice. This would unify the Made in Vietnam lean management basis to aim for the implementation of strategic plans of TCMS in the short, medium and long term, developing more elite and neat work.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Dang Minh and Managers of TCMS committed to implementing the Made in Vietnam Finest Management Gene system into practice

TCMS members step by step approaching Gene of Tam The and Made in Vietnam Gene of Finest Thinking
At the actual field work at TCMS, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Dang Minh and TCMS managers created a solution system for Tam The Management, Made in Vietnam Finest Thinking Management, which were immediately applied in managing work practice, aiming for improving productivity and quality in practice. This was the strength of the practicality and philosophy of the Management Gene system of GKM Institute of Finest Management.
The managers of TCMS all understood thoroughly that the Made in Vietnam Finest Management Gene system had answered and explained in detail many questions about why it was difficult for Vietnamese workers to maintain and promote the imported management methods, although these management methods were successfully applied in foreign companies (Korea, Japan, Europe and North America…), they were not effectively applied in practice in Vietnam.

TCMS managers spoke enthusiastically about the effectiveness of Made in Vietnam Finest Management in practice
Recognizing the efforts of the managers to have fully and effectively participated, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Dang Minh, on behalf of the Management Board of GKM Institute of Finest Management, awarded the certificate of attendance to the program for the managers and committed to continue accompanying the TCMS team in accordance with the set strategic direction.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dang Minh presented certificates of attendance to TCMS managers
GKM’s consulting training program at TCMS had left many impressions, emotions and real values in each administrator, all members had found for themselves effective solutions in TCMS practice. “ToT”, Tam The of things, Tinh gon (Finest) of things at work and daily life was no longer strange to every member participating in the program, everyone thought that, with ToT, we would overcome all obstacles and difficulties, because life was getting better and better in family, company and society.
GKM Finest Institute News, May, 2022