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Introduction Seminar on The Made in Vietnam Finest Management Technology to the Vietnamese Architecture and Construction Business Community (GKM.Talk.KTXD 01)

Cultivating architects with strong management and professional skills
before creating outstanding Made in Vietnam, Made by Vietnam architectural works.
Dr. Nguyễn Đăng Minh, Chairman of GKM GROUP

At the request of the leadership of HOH Architecture Joint Stock Company, architect Đỗ Kim Cương, who expressed a desire to learn about the Made in Vietnam Finest CEO program for Vietnamese enterprises in the architecture and construction industry, the GKM Institute of Finest Management and GKM Vietnam Company organized a seminar to introduce The Made in Vietnam Finest Management Technology to the Vietnamese architecture and construction business community on August 9, 2024, at the HOH Architecture Company’s office.

At the beginning of the seminar, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Đăng Minh shared heartfelt reflections on the journey of developing The Made in Vietnam Finest Management Technology, as well as the aspiration to build and grow MBV architecture and construction enterprises based on The Made in Vietnam Finest Management Technology and The Made in Vietnam Finest Educational Technology, aiming to complete the chain of key MBV products and services.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Đăng Minh sharing about the journey of developing The Made in Vietnam Finest Management Technology (Photo: GKM)


According to Mr. Minh’s analysis, in the past, when we participated in the global value chain, we often only produced a part or a cluster of parts within the value chain. Meanwhile, foreign companies would control the key parts of the chain, such as product R&D and business R&D, which are stages that account for most of the value (about 80% of the entire chain, marking the saturation point of the global value chain). This situation risks trapping us in the middle-income trap, making it difficult for us to become a country with many key MBV products that offer high added value (where purely Vietnamese enterprises control the chain).

To overcome this situation, the MBV business community in general and the MBV architecture and construction business community in particular need to focus on creating key purely Vietnamese products and services that bear the national brand Made in Vietnam and Made by Vietnam. This means creating them in Vietnam, with the hands and minds of Vietnamese people, from research to production, to business, and distribution. To achieve this, a company not only needs good technical technology but also requires excellent management technology, which will help connect various stages within the company, increase labor productivity, and improve product quality.


Dr. Nguyễn Đăng Minh discusses with architecture and construction businesses the importance of building the MBV value chain (Photo: GKM)


After listening to the insights and analysis from Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Đăng Minh, the managers attending the seminar were strongly inspired by the MBV spirit, fostering a sense of national pride and a desire to jointly create increasingly refined key Vietnamese products and services.

Attending the seminar was Mr. Nguyễn Thế Hùng, CEO of Northern Trade and Investment Joint Stock Company. He shared, “Initially, I planned to leave when the seminar ended at 5 p.m. because I had an appointment afterward. Unexpectedly, the seminar lasted until 7 p.m., but because Assoc. Prof. Dr. Minh’s insights were so valuable, I was willing to cancel all my appointments to attend the entire seminar.” After the seminar, Mr. Hùng had a significant takeaway: “Before coming here, I intended to retire at 60. However, thanks to today’s seminar, I realized the true mission of an entrepreneur is to make society better and create more jobs for workers. With this understanding, entrepreneurs like me will reconsider their retirement age and surely will always stay committed to the company and its employees.” Mr. Hùng plans to enroll in GKM’s Made in Vietnam Finest CEO course to gain deeper insights into The Made in Vietnam Finest Management Technology, aiming to improve his company’s operational efficiency.


Mr. Hùng, CEO of Northern Trade and Investment Joint Stock Company, shares his personal insights (Photo: GKM)


During the seminar, architect Đỗ Kim Cương, CEO of HOH Architecture Joint Stock Company and the organizer of the event, shared his profound reflections: “Thank you, Professor Minh, for helping me save a significant amount of money that I had planned to spend on my child’s overseas education. After listening to your presentation, I have found the best educational direction for my child.” Mr. Cương added, “In the past, I was always confident in my MBV products in Vietnam. Now, I am not only confident in the Vietnamese market but also globally..


Architect Đỗ Kim Cương, CEO of HOH Architecture Joint Stock Company, expresses his desire to join the Made in Vietnam Finest CEO program of the GKM Institute of Finest Management as soon as possible. (Photo: GKM)


Before concluding the seminar, the attending managers were treated to the song “MBV Tràn Tâm Thế,” a musical piece composed and performed by the GKM team, aimed at further strengthening the national spirit and MBV mindset among the managers.


The managers displayed emotional responses while listening to the song “MBV Tràn Tâm Thế.” (Photo: GKM)


Dr. Nguyễn Đăng Minh with the managers participating in the seminar. (Photo: GKM)


The seminar concluded, leaving behind deep emotions and aspirations for MBV entrepreneurs to join hands in building a better and more prosperous Vietnam.

GKM News 08/2024

The 58th Made in Vietnam Finest CEO program is scheduled to take place on September 14, 2024, and promises to bring significant opportunities for senior MBV managers


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